CBFI Wallet Fees
Here is a place to see the fees available in the CBFI Wallet
You need a small amount of Native Chain assets to initiate transactions transfer of assets using CoinBox Finance wallet.
These transaction fees are set based on the network, so if you use a network like Binance Smart Chain and need to transfer BEP20 tokens, you need BNB for the fees, and you need ETH to make a transfer for any ERC20 Ethereum tokens.
For Ethereum, this website can be used as a reference, and for Bitcoin, this website can be used. We use the API to allow the average real-time feed fees to users when they want to make a payment.
Similarly, when you transfer token cUSD or token cEuro you need CELO fees to make the transfer. You can click the following link to see what Native Assets are required when making a transfer.
When you send Ethereum transfer tokens to interact with smart contracts, you need to pay ETH as the transaction fees.
In Ethereum, the higher the transaction fees you give, the faster the transaction will be packaged. CoinBox Finance provides a slider function that can quickly adjust the transaction fees.
Last updated
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